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Variable Rate Application

Variable rate application allows you to apply different amount of fertiliser to different areas of the paddock, so you can put more fertiliser in some areas and less in others reducing the total amount applied. 

We can do varibale rate in both liquid and granule and informed through a couple of different methods. 

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Liquid Spreading - Variable Rate

Our new Amazone Sprayer has 6 meter sections, meaning those sections can spray different amounts each. It can also exclude areas e.g. areas that may be environmentally sensitive and would like to turn off over while not excluding pasture close to it. 

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Granule Variable Rate

Our granule trucks are equipped with technology that automatically controls the rate of application the spinners apply, meaning it can vary it as it goes up the paddock. 

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Splitting Pasture Paddocks

Using TracMap, we can split your paddocks into thirds, spreading less on the fronts of the paddocks where the cows have transferred nutrients to and more down the back. 

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NDVI Satelitte Imagery

We take a satellite photo of your paddock and read the colours of the grass, spreading more fertiliser on areas that are lacking in nutrients and less on other areas. 

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Harvest Yield Map and Grid Soil Samples

If you have a yield map from harvest, or have done grid soil sampling,  work with your soil specialist to understand the variation and we can spread fertiliser accordingly. We recommend doing this via liquid spreading for the most precision. 

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